‘ “Wait, are you looking outside?” “Yeah, of course!” “But isn’t there just a brick wall outside your window?” ’
In collaboration with Felixe Rives
Acrylic on polycarbonate, lino print on recycled fabric, thread
‘ “Wait, are you looking outside?” “Yeah, of course!” “But isn’t there just a brick wall outside your window?” ’ In collaboration with Felixe Rives, 2022, acrylic on polycarbonate, lino print on recycled fabric, thread
‘ “Wait, are you looking outside?” “Yeah, of course!” “But isn’t there just a brick wall outside your window?” ’ In collaboration with Felixe Rives, detail, 2022, acrylic on polycarbonate, lino print on recycled fabric, thread
‘ “Wait, are you looking outside?” “Yeah, of course!” “But isn’t there just a brick wall outside your window?” ’ In collaboration with Felixe Rives, detail, 2022, acrylic on polycarbonate, lino print on recycled fabric, thread
‘ “Wait, are you looking outside?” “Yeah, of course!” “But isn’t there just a brick wall outside your window?” ’ In collaboration with Felixe Rives, detail, 2022, acrylic on polycarbonate, lino print on recycled fabric, thread
‘ “Wait, are you looking outside?” “Yeah, of course!” “But isn’t there just a brick wall outside your window?” ’ In collaboration with Felixe Rives, detail, 2022, acrylic on polycarbonate, lino print on recycled fabric, thread
‘ “Wait, are you looking outside?” “Yeah, of course!” “But isn’t there just a brick wall outside your window?” ’ In collaboration with Felixe Rives, detail, 2022, acrylic on polycarbonate, lino print on recycled fabric, thread